Misi Kurus Kuja pt 2

This. Is. Not. Going. Well

Gave myself to 2 months. My weight still remains the same. Honestly I am frustrated. Effort aku tak cukup and aku sedar tu. I want to lose weight healthily, tone my body, build muscle and make sure my skin doesn't sag (my biggest concern right now) without taking slimming pills/detox teas. I swear I got intrigued by those advertisments a couple of times now, tapi cekalkan hati aku sbb aku tau benda2 tu tak baik untuk aku for the long run. I do not want to take shortcuts when it comes to my body (melainkan kalau traditional remedy yg tak ada pengunaan chemical then yes mungkin I'll give it a try)

If there's one thing aku actually regret is the fact that last year aku on off dgn workouts aku. Tak sedar diri, dah lah quit gym, lepas tu murung & ended up stress eating (also aku mmg pencinta makann, this has been both my medicine and my pain), Aku gained 8kg literally dlm setahun semua sbb aku x consistent. Again, salah sendiri!

And sbb aku janji by end of May aku nak drop atleast until 65kg, I terrified on whether or not this can actually be done; because I legit have like 12kg to lose. Mmg lah aku xde janji dgn sesape, this deal aku buat solely dgn diri sendiri and aku boleh ubah ayat aku kalau aku nak. Tpi kalau aku cancel this meaning aku x guna lah sbb failed nak discipline kan diri sendiri. So I am not giving up. Aku dh planned out jadual baru again tdi. Tinggal nak bako semangat ni haa bgi berkobar2 sket. 

Currently my lower back dah lengguh2 pulak ni. Sakit sbb kemungkinan posture aku mse aku workout tak brape betul or aku mungkin dh push diri aku a little bit too hard lately ni. Al kisah nya, aku balik kampung last week and sedara + mkcik aku dtg rumah pulak lepas tu. Weh tu semuanya pakar masak sedap2, kalau x makan nnti takut diorg merajuk (typical alasan hahaha) Even kalau mak aku masak kt rumah pun aku susah lah kalau tak tambah. My mom has been busy lately ni and dia dh jarang masak. When she cooks, aku mmg akn failed hahaha sbb aku rindu masakan mak aku.

Anyway hopefully April and May ni akn ada progress. Dapat sikit pun jadilah weh dari tak de langsung but I will keep going. May nnti dh masuk bulan puasa and aku kena ubah lgi jadual aku sbb aku nak focus on more on Ramadhan dari dieting or working out. Insyaallah aku akan balance kan. Aku xleh stop working out selagi aku x smpai target and selagi aku x biasa dgn active lifestyle, kalau aku stop nnti nak start balik tu susah and the yoyo effect akan take over (mcm last year) All the best, Kuja. 
Double Scoop Ice Cream