I can never tolerate liars especially when I have already known the truth and the lies just never seemed to end. Don't ever lie to me if you're 100% sure you won't get caught. Because if you did, there's a chance that you'll never hear from me ever again. For a girl that have major trust issues, I really appreciate honesty in friendship/relationship etc. I've learned alot in the past couple of years growing up to always say the truth even when it is bitter as hell. Trust me I've seen stuff that happened because people just can't be honest and ran away when faced with difficulties (I'm going off topic lol) I do not want to hurt people with lies and I would appreciate if people will do the same.
Smelly Public Toilets/Washrooms
This goes to all the woman (and men) who doesn't know how to flush after doing their "business". Why?! All you need is to just push a single button, how the hell could you even "forget" to do that seriously. Are you not even embarrassed leaving your residues behind for the next person to be shocked by it. shishhh
Me and My Earphones
I wrote this once and I'm going to write this again. I do not like to be disturbed whenever I have both my earphones attached to my ears. That is me trying to have my me time so please have mercy I need my music break from time to time. I honestly get really, like seriously bothered when people suddenly wanting to have small talk to me when I have both my earphones on but when I don't, everyone else was silent..what even..
Being Ignored
I suffered from anxiety so that feeling of being ignored is one of my major triggers. Also I appreciate people that reply fast instead of leaving me on hold for hours. At least tell that you're busy with something so I wouldn't seemed like an idiot waiting if you still interested in talking..