Something someone have told you about yourself that you never forgot

I received this note from a girl in my Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah (PBSM) class. The assignment was to write about one thing positive and negative thing about a person we were assigned too, and we have to draw the person as well (if I'm not mistaken lol, it happened somewhere on the 1st year of UITM lol but I still kept the note with me)

I think she wrote that as something "negative". And yes honestly at first I was upset. Pantang kena tegur sket aku time ni and I was abit sensitive..kau sapa nak tegur aku was the 1st thing that popped in to my head, literally lol. I even thought she was kinda rude for pointing that out, hella embarrassed because those notes was read to the public by the lecturer kot jahhh oiii. But then I don't really get mad about it since she was pointing out the right thing and I was the careless one. I should've been more careful. She wrote that dgn niat dia bukan nak malukan aku ke ape pun. Like we both would never have expected benda tu nak dibaca to the public. Muka lecturer yg conduct class tu lagi lah xleh blah, man he was flustered and the whole class went krik2. That was literally the 1st time someone except my mom yg pernah tegur aku psal the way I dress myself. Maybe that is why I have kept the note all this time, it works as a good reminder. Gotta give it to her for being brave seriously hahah. 

p.s. I ended up mixing bahasa and english because I am too lazy to construct proper english sentences. byee x
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