Things That Annoy Me

Sis is bored. Like really. It's like 11.30pm and apparently today aku x mengantok lgi eventhough I didn't took my usual evening nap because I was busy being nervous about something that I will not write here *wink hahaha. Anyway I don't know how much I'll be able to write down because this was soooo unplanned, I just feel like typing extra posts. It's has been a good 1st week of Ramadhan for me, thankfully (*praying hard that it'll stay this good for a while) 

This is going to be a bilingual post because I'm also being very lazy to construct sentences this late at night hehe.
  1. Aku akn terus automatic badmood bila balik rumah and tgk rumah gelap; especially bila ade org in the house the whole day and they're that effing lazy utk bukak langsir. Yes aku rimas bila ruang rumah/bilik aku nmpak suram. *future husband whoever you may be or whenever you will finally timbul, kalau baca ni please take note hahahaha
  2. Bila org xnak dengar pendapat org lain and they act smart about it. Yeah okay your point might be right but please lah listened even if kau x agreed rather than tetiba bashing.
  3. When things are planned at a very last minute. Sape yang betul2 kenal aku would know this, especially when you asked me out on the day when I don't feel good. And since I still lived under my parent's roof, I need at least a day heads-up just to ask for permission lmao. 
  4. Bila fon aku type stuff on its own. Yes it happened like a couple of times now and I'm blaming the latest update. ntah ape dh jdi kt fon akuu...takut aku bila alien language comes out hahaha
  5. Orang yang x punctual. When you made promise you should follow it regardless unless you have a good excuse of why you're late.
  6. Orang yang bagi alasan bodo and act like it was acceptable. no 
  7. Doesn't matter kt rumah aku kt or kt mne2, bila lepas makan org x reti buang sisa makan dlm plastic or bekas yg sepatutnya and just leave the residues for someone else to pick up. where is your manners. 
  8. When it's really obvious that I have my earphones on and someone tries to talks to me. jgn lah gini.
  9. Bila org show off, sket2 it's okay tpi ni smpai org masing2 tgk sama sendiri then krik2. you should know when you should stop. 
  10. When a conversation gets uncomfortable. malas nk explain this one. 
  11. When you know someone and at first this person seemed like a good person and then you were completely wrong..
  12. When I'm trying to dry my cats after shower and they escaped from my grasp pstu sorok bawah katil.
  13. Bila I'm excited to share about something to someone but the other person mcm malas nk layan. 
  14. When battery fon rse cm habis cepat sgt pdahal aku baru je charge.
  15. People that sembang kuat2 at public spaces. like am I supposed to know gak kehidupan kau ke cmne skrang lmao.
these are literally some of it, for now..kot? hehe 

Double Scoop Ice Cream