These are just tips on what I did to improve my speaking skills in english. I am not here to brag because honestly, my communication skills aren’t that good (same goes to my grammar and vocabulary hehe) but up until now alhamdulillah, I had no problem understanding or having a conversation in english with lecturers or even my friends. so before you say that “I’m trying to show off” please go back to whatever you’re doing before you stumbled upon this page. With that being said, here it goes.
The tips that I'm about to give are pretty easy to follow and quite fun too, well for me it is. With alot of practice, you'll become better in speaking english, guaranteed! (insyaallah) lol it sounded like a tv commercial. Okay for starters, you should try and read novel. it doesn’t matter what type of novel as long as it’s an english novel. take a seat or lie down, whichever way you feel comfortable and start reading. While you read, you should also try and speak the lines that you’re reading. it will help to practice your pronunciation and in order for this to work, read alot of novels. don't just stop after you've finished one. lol. You have to be persistence. If you want your reading session to be a little fancy, just act out the scenes you’re reading. Put your emotions in and if you were like me, you’ll find yourself tearing up because you got carried away with your own acting. I tend to read a lot of romantic novels, so that kind of situation is perfectly normal for me.
Next, you should talk to your family, friends or even your teachers in english. It builds up the confidence to speak english in public. I know this one is a bit hard, but it works. Start slowly and you will used to it. Remember when your teacher told you if you want to speak better in public and ease up your nervousness, you should speak in front of a mirror? Practice speaking english that way because it does help. I have this habit of talking to myself in english every time when I’m alone especially when I’m cooking. I like doing it because it feels like I have my own cooking show, lol. Yes, I know it sounds a little crazy and you might think I’m a little loco but I don’t give a damn about what other people think. That’s my way of learning. You should not worry about the negative looks people give you when you’re speaking. you’re improving, if they can’t accept it. whatever. Because in the end, it will benefit you and only you. Okay?
And the last tip that I’m about to give to you is my favorite. Watch a lot of english movies with english subtitles. This will help you to speak proper english sentences. Once, you’ve get used to it, you don’t have to use subtitles anymore. It is that simple. Everything will be pointless if you watched english movie with malay subtitles. Because you’ll ended up relying to much on the malay subtitles to understand the movie. Because when you’re speaking english, you can’t directly translate malay sentences to english. It doesn’t work that way. I really don’t recommend watching english movies with malay subs.

There you go, I hope it helped
. Till the next time. byeee!