Thoughts about 3rd Semester

the best word to describe 3rd semester would be "insane" haha. 3rd semester is literally the most tiring semester ever and how I glad that it is finally over and I can enjoy my holiday now. Yes I am looking forward to enter the 4th semester this 1st December. Anyway like i've said just now, its true. 3rd semester is by far the most tiring semester ever. The one semester that has caused me so much physical pain like literally. Till it comes to a point where me and my friend would just lie on our bed after submission ended because our body is so sore from doing all the drawings on the cold cement floor lol. Yes this is also the semester where I stay up late for few days in a row especially nearing submissions. Me and my friend would stayed up till 7am in the morning and then take photos of the sunrise before going to bed. I remember that we both were so stressed out that we went outside our room and just sat outside enjoying the cold air at 2 in the morning and we did that alot. I remember during Ramadhan month and we stayed up again and we would ran at the dorm hallway laugh hysterically for some silly random jokes that we made. You know when you're really stressed out, you will tend to say and do funny things just to let the stressed feelings out. But I have to admit though as much as I dislike 3rd semester because of the work load, it was actually a great learning experience and a fun semester too. I've learn quite alot of new things about interior design this semester. hopefully i can handle next semester haha.

Double Scoop Ice Cream