Happy New Year!
Happy 25th Birthday Kuja!
tak mintak banyak, aku cuma doa semoga apa saja yang aku bakal usahakan/impikan untuk tahun 2020 ni tercapai, semoga tahun ni aku lebih menyayangi/menghargai diri aku sendiri dari tahun2 sebelum ni, semoga aku jadi lebih berani, semoga aku jadi lebih positif, semoga aku dan orang2 yang aku sayang sentiasa ada dengan aku, dikurniakan kesihatan tubuh badan yang baik & dipanjangkan usia serta sentiasa berada dalam lindungan-Nya Aamiinn.
I didn't exactly get to celebrate my birthday the way I want to again this year and if you asked me, honestly I am a little bit bumped out by it because I had hopes but..there's nothing I can do about it, I mean..I've tried..there's always next year..kan?
It's been like half a year and bloody hell aku lupa daratan since my last weight loss update. I don't exactly gain nor lost weight in the past 6-7 months. Okay who am I kidding, berat aku naik turun mcm roller coaster but in a range yg aku rse aku x terlajak naik...unfortunately x terlajak turun jugk..But sis is back with a new years resolution. I'm going to make sure I reached my target before Aidilfitri. I've purposely bought 2 piece of baju raya one size smaller than my actual size just so that I can use that as a motivation. Last year I did the same thing and it works, so why not try this again kan. If this works out well then there will be a continuation of Misi Kurus Kuja, lol.
Next, if I were to recap what my 2019 is like. Honestly I would like to erase some memories of it if I could. There's literally wayyyyyyyy tooooo muchhh crying involved last year. really awful bitter tears too. But despite the bitterness, ada jugak la yg manis..tpi knapa aku rse pahit lagi bnyak ahahahah..gurau.. 2019 was the year my mind was brutally challenged, I've learned and realized a lot of things about myself both things I love and things I hate. I've loved harder than I did in any previous relationships and knowing that scares me alot too. But I'm good; we're still good alhamdulillah. I'll write more when I have the chance. bye xx
Next, if I were to recap what my 2019 is like. Honestly I would like to erase some memories of it if I could. There's literally wayyyyyyyy tooooo muchhh crying involved last year. really awful bitter tears too. But despite the bitterness, ada jugak la yg manis..tpi knapa aku rse pahit lagi bnyak ahahahah..gurau.. 2019 was the year my mind was brutally challenged, I've learned and realized a lot of things about myself both things I love and things I hate. I've loved harder than I did in any previous relationships and knowing that scares me alot too. But I'm good; we're still good alhamdulillah. I'll write more when I have the chance. bye xx