So today during English class, me and my classmates unexpectedly had to write an essay in an hour titled “What will I do if I have one million ringgit?”..I changed the “ringgit” into “dollars” lol because hell yeah dollars is much more expensive than ringgit duhh.. tbh I didn’t know what I was writing because I’m still pretty much exhausted from yesterday’s submission. Instead of spending that hour fully on writing, I ended up sleeping bahaha..But I submitted my work, with really awful handwriting and horrible grammar haha.. I slept really late for 6 days in a row on a concrete floor. basically im still currently in pain and I have puffy eyes too lol. presentation didn’t went well though..I don’t want to talk about it because seriously I get depressed just thinking about it. I’ll try and do my very best for my final project because if I don’t do this well, hmm lets just say I have to repeat interior design course, which is something that I really don’t want..
The reason why I want to write this on my blog is because I think it will be a nice post on my blog, because I didn’t know what the hell did I “merepek” just now and because I feel like writing it again, nicely and sincerely hehe..this is definitely the things that I would do if I have a million dollars.
- get a job overseas, get out of my country and start a new life. why you may ask? because I want to experience living in other country. haven’t decided which country that I would like to stay though lol. next reason would be because I just I need to get out of my country. I have no problems with my country, at all..there are certain things that I really want to forget..if you really read through my blog or you're really close with me, then you’ll know the pain I'm still dealing with. Lets just say that I want start a new life in a place where no one knows who I am. that would be perfect.
- Build my dream house. this has been on my wish list since last semester every since I had that dream where I own a really nice bungalow near the beach. To imagine myself waking up looking directly at the beach with clear sky is just incredible so I need that dream to come true lol, seriously.
- Travelling. There is so many countries and places that I would love to visit. It would be better if I could travel with my future one and only love (mehh..hopefully one day..I guess..ntah) If I list everything here, that would take a lot of time haha
- Buy a car. lol for someone who is scared of driving, this is just stupid..But I think if I have the car, ill start driving again, I promise haha!..I’m not planning on buying expensive cars though..Suzuki Swift (old version) and Hyundai Veloster are my favourite now hehe..I’m obsessed with Lamborghini Aventador but I don’t think that it’s the right car for me, haha
- Buy gadgets. I want to own the most high-tech phone, camera, laptop..everything! (berangan)
I guess that’s it for now then. lol I don’t think I could get a million dollars without having to work, that’s bullshit haha..As long as I’m having a happy life like I am now, It is good enough for me, Though I have to admit, money do make me happy sometimes. anyway, till the next time, byebye