2,840.48 miles away
I cried hard after a month of being away from him and to think I was doing so well all this time aku tewas gak last2. Depan dia pulak aku nangis bertuah hahaha, Pdhal the past 3 weeks dia kt sne tu we got to video call kot. Last weekend was abit heavy knowing that next week dia nak start keje and we probably wouldn't have enough time to do things just like we used too. So not knowing when I'll be able to see his face again buat aku emo, childish I know tapi anyone that is in my situation would know what this feels like. Distance sucks but these small gestures are holding us together so right now aku okay. As long as both jgn give up, we'll get through the 12 months sama2 Insyaallah.