aku degil sebab aku nak jaga hati aku,
aku degil sebab aku nak jaga perasaan aku,
you can't make me fall in love,
when you're not showing enough effort,
not this cycle not again,
talk is easy everyone can do it,
but I don't trust words anymore,
not after the last time,
sebab aku sangat letih,
letih bagi feelings aku and I was left with nothing,
one after the other.
for once,
aku nak jadi priority,
for once,
I rather wait for the right person,
dari mencari, mengejar or terpaksa,
for once,
aku nak dicintai for the right reasons,
bukan sebab dia heart broken and nak distraction,
bukan sebab dia lonely,
certainly bukan sebab dia nak attention,
for once,
aku deserve someone yang betul-betul nak kenal aku,
just for being me,
someone who I can be comfortable with,
without the pressure of trying to be perfect,
for once,
aku abaikan ape orang lain nak ckap,
"umur aku dah sesuai untuk kahwin"
"kakak dah ade someone ke"
I'll wait until the time is right.
because if you really know me,
under all this flawed exterior,
I have so much love to give,
but I kept mistaking attention for love,
that is where I messed up,
and in the end aku selalu jadi yang terlalu sayang,
the one that gave too much effort,
and the one that gave too much attention,
I got ditched in the end,
as always.
as always.
therefore forgive me for being cold hearted,
forgive me for not be able to trust easily,
forgive me for building my walls so high up,
I have my reasons,
don't push nor rush me,
don't convinced me that you're not the same as others,
I've heard those words one too many,
they sucked the love out of me and left me empty,
and aku hanya akan let someone in bila aku rasa,
I've seen enough effort,
and he is worth the chance.