I haven't been writing here for god knows how long because I needed time off from my own blog (doesn't makes sense but whatever) I guess you can say that alot has happened when i was out hahaha. Some of it was good, some of it was bearable and some just I don't want to remember.
I started driving again. this girl. the one that hit a freaking lorry and got scared of driving finally back on the wheels again and it was nice. I'm slowly getting my confidence in driving sort of. huh
Around June, I started working full time at a clothing store to get some cash. That was an experience as well. I decided to quit this month because I've had enough. I wouldnt say that I hated there but i didn't hate it at first, I just dislike certain things that I wish not to share here hahaha
That should be it for now. Ill edit this blog later when I have time hahaha. Goodnight, xx