Thoughts on Final Semester

the end

sorry for not being so active this semester. I've just submitted my finals and I should continue sleeping since I haven't been sleeping well for the past month or so but I feel like updating my blog. 

In conclusion, 06 was not exactly my favorite semester because I felt like giving up alot more this semester than before. It is tiring, suffocating and pure torture. So this is what 06 felt like haha. Super happy that it ended. But with the shitload amount of negativity I felt this semester, there is obviously alot of good memories as well. maybe because it was the finals but omg I have been like extra emotional this semester. Even the simplest issues can make me cry. Well it is probably cause of the stress I guess and now I can finally rest. 

I'm planning to work for a while to gain some experience because I think after 06, that is the one thing I need most right now. experience. Being born in the 'designer' family sucks sometimes because people would expect you to know better since your parents are designers (this is literally something that my panel said to me once) truthfully it hurts because I felt like I know nothing. I'll admit the fact that I don't know to play around with design. I'm rigid, literally. I'm not as good as my classmates, you have no idea how insecure I felt today presenting my work. personally I felt like I'm below average. Yeah I know design but formally, as in "nothing too extravagant in design" kinda way. Another thing that I remember was she said I'm too reserved, as in playing safe. okay maybe I was but only because I felt like my client was an average client, I was thinking about budget and shit when I shouldn't have (my fault, stupid) so hopefully by working, I'll be better a better person, or at least understand this world better.

that's about it when it comes to 06, not my best semester but yeah okaylah I got through it.

*i hate it
Double Scoop Ice Cream